"I am delighted to inform you that your piece 'HOW???' has been selected for inclusion in THE PATH, a group exhibition, at the Palazzo Pisano-Revedin, during the Venice Biennale 2024, curated by Amy Jackson alongside SHIM Art Network.
We received many high quality applications this year, so many congratulations for being selected. We are looking forward to working with you."
SHIM Art Network
Bempton Rocks, North Yorkshire is a protected wildlife area that is under threat. This photograph was taken using a Sony telephoto lens.
The photograph features a seagull that has made a nest from a discarded tyre that has somehow found its way onto a promontory rock that is completely and utterly inaccessible.
The title of the photograph is HOW???, which is how Boo felt upon seeing a thoroughly alien object in a place that man should be unable to reach.
However, nature always fights back, and, if allowed, will succeed.
Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Image Gallery
No matter what languages are spoken, what gods are worshipped or what politics are followed, a photograph can cross every single boundary and create a connection that otherwise would have been out of reach.
Photography has helped me through some very dark times. Nothing is more uplifting to me than capturing a split-second photograph of an ethereal ephemeral subject that will last forever.